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From Classroom to Startup

HSUP aims to introduce Hungarian university students to innovation, entrepreneurship, and startups through a shared educational platform.


Welcome to the website of the first online university startup program!

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The goal of HSUP

HSUP aims to introduce students to the world of innovation, modern entrepreneurship, and startups through a new, unified educational platform.

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Don't worry, even if you've never had the chance before to immerse yourself in the world of markets, money and innovation.

In the Hungarian Startup University Program, you can learn at your own pace with engaging learning materials and personalized content, with our support every step of the way. The startup ecosystem is constantly evolving, and we are counting on you to do the same. We are confident that together we can go even further.

More details about the program:

The process of the HSUP

You can learn through the HSUP app as well.

For easy access to the course material at any time, download the HSUP app via the App Store or Google Play Store and enable notifications to stay up to date with the latest information.

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What can you get from the Program?

HSUP is Hungary's first higher education startup program.

HSUP is a two-semester e-learning course. The first semester focuses on innovative thinking and familiarizing yourself with the startup world, while the second semester provides you with practical knowledge on how to build a business.


What else can you get?


We know that one of your most important goals right now is to succeed at university. The Program can help you achieve this, by being a university course. This means you can receive credits for successfully completing the Program, thanks to the innovative approach of your educational institution.

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After successfully completing the first semester, if you continue the course in the second semester and work on a business idea as part of a team, you will receive an HSUP scholarship. With a monthly grant of HUF 50,000, we aim to support you in preparing your idea for the real market environment, allowing you to focus solely on realizing your dreams. The 15 most promising teams in the second (spring) semester will receive a special scholarship of HUF 1 million per team member.

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You'll receive all the necessary support to develop your business idea. To make the program truly valuable and unique, we've enlisted entrepreneurs from the startup ecosystem, alongside university academic professionals, to assist you with your project. Sounds a bit scary? Don't panic, doesn't it? As a startup founder, sometimes things work out, and sometimes they don't go as planned. At HSUP, it's all about the progress!

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Partner challenges

In a partner challenge, HSUP corporate partners can identify challenges or problems they face in their daily operations. In the first semester, you can choose to submit a one-pager presenting your own idea or develop a solution to a partner challenge. The partners will review and evaluate the submitted one-pagers and then select the ones they would like to support with mentoring during the second semester. The team (of 2-3 people) working on the idea selected by the partner will also receive a scholarship, as will other teams working on their own project ideas. Partner challenges will be open continuously throughout the first semester on the HSUP platform, where you can find more details and apply for the challenges

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Be inspired by the community and from classroom to Startup!

BNL Start Partners Kft.Coworking HungaryRobert Bosch Kft.Brancsközössé Zrt.CheckINN Turisztikai Innovációmenedzsment Kft.CIB BankCreative Accelerator Kft.Design Terminal Nonprofit Kft.Digital FactoryDr. Tanács Ügyvédi IrodaDrukka Startup StudioEFOTT Kft.Enterprise Group Technologies Kft.Future Proof Consulting Kft.Green BrotherMagyar Üzleti Angyal EgyesületiFinance Kft.Informatikai, Távközlési és Elektronikai Vállalkozások SzövetségeIzinta Kft.Laser Consult Kft.Lunar Program Zrt.MeOut GroupMBH FintechlabMOL GroupBNL Start Partners Kft.Coworking HungaryRobert Bosch Kft.Brancsközössé Zrt.CheckINN Turisztikai Innovációmenedzsment Kft.CIB BankCreative Accelerator Kft.Design Terminal Nonprofit Kft.Digital FactoryDr. Tanács Ügyvédi IrodaDrukka Startup StudioEFOTT Kft.Enterprise Group Technologies Kft.Future Proof Consulting Kft.Green BrotherMagyar Üzleti Angyal EgyesületiFinance Kft.Informatikai, Távközlési és Elektronikai Vállalkozások SzövetségeIzinta Kft.Laser Consult Kft.Lunar Program Zrt.MeOut GroupMBH FintechlabMOL Group
NAK TechLabOXO Labs Kft.PoziScale AgencyStart it @K&HSTRT Holding Zrt.Start IT Up Győr EgyesületStartup CampusStartup Hungary AlapítványMAREMAGNUM Külkereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft.Szellemi Tulajdon Nemzeti HivatalaSzintézis-Net Kft.TECHTRA Közhasznú Nonprofit Zrt.Tőkeportál Zrt.Vespucci PartnersVivold Design Kft.Heves Vármegyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraDatatronicRackhost Zrt.TappointmentMorgensVoovoWhite UnicornNéprajzi MúzeumNAK TechLabOXO Labs Kft.PoziScale AgencyStart it @K&HSTRT Holding Zrt.Start IT Up Győr EgyesületStartup CampusStartup Hungary AlapítványMAREMAGNUM Külkereskedelmi és Szolgáltató Kft.Szellemi Tulajdon Nemzeti HivatalaSzintézis-Net Kft.TECHTRA Közhasznú Nonprofit Zrt.Tőkeportál Zrt.Vespucci PartnersVivold Design Kft.Heves Vármegyei Kereskedelmi és IparkamaraDatatronicRackhost Zrt.TappointmentMorgensVoovoWhite UnicornNéprajzi Múzeum

HSUP partners

The Hungarian Startup University Program collaborates with organizations and businesses that are committed to helping you realize your ideas through various forms of support. These opportunities are exclusively available to HSUP students. If you are participating in the program, we encourage you to explore these offerings and select the ones that best suit your team.

View partners


We are confident that creativity and the ability to innovate exist within everyone, regardless of their field of interest. Whether you are an engineer, economist, philosopher, doctor, or lawyer, you are constantly renewing and advancing ideas, even if it is not always done consciously. The key is to learn how to transform these ideas into reality.


Where can you register for the Program?

At the most innovative Hungarian universities:



We welcome applications from both Partners and Educational Institutions!
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For partners

Would you like to support the work of young talents? Join us!

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For institutions

Would you provide new opportunities for your students to learn more about the innovation ecosystem? Start the Hungarian Startup University Program at your institution.

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What exactly will I learn?

The structure and content of the curriculum

Requirements in the first and second semester

Can I only apply if I already have an idea?

Do I have to do the second semester?

In the second semester, can I only team up with students from my university?

How do I get a grade?